For more than 20 years the Swiss-based foundation “” ( has encouraged ethics and good management in higher education through creating standards, learning tools and materials for teachers and students alike, a large number of publications, as well as an online library with more than 6 million references.
Since 2020 the organization has worked on a long-term project in Europe, Africa and Asia aiming to support higher education institutions in improving their ethic performance. A tool for assessment and a syllabus have been developed.
Bulgaria has been selected as a pilot country in Europe for the implementation of the tool and training modules. It is the first country in Central and Eastern Europe to benefit from this training and exchange of best practices. The objectives of these projects and innovative tools include:
- Spotting discrepancies within one institution;
- Analysis and assessment of the institutional ethic mechanism and culture;
- Identifying areas of improvement for achieving effective ethics in the institution;
- Issuing a pilot report on ethics assessment.
On the 14th December 2022, together with its partner in Bulgaria – the University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (ULSIT), organized and held a webinar on the topic of “HIGHER EDUCATION – ETHICS MODEL OF EXCELLENCE TOOL (HE-EMET)”.
ULSIT representatives took part in the webinar, as well as task leaders and task participants from the National Scientific Program “Security and Defense” (NSP SAD), approved by the Council of Ministers № 731 on 21.10.2021 and in accordance with Agreement №Д01-74/19.05.2022:
- Prof. D.Sc. Irena Peteva – Rector of ULSIT;
- Prof. D.Sc. Stoyan Denchev – Director of the “Institute on Information and Security”;
- Prof. Dr. Evgeni Manev – Head of Department “National Security”;
- Prof. D.Sc. Gosho Petkov – Director of the “Institute on Scientific Research and Doctoral Studies”;
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Diana Stoyanova – Director of the Academic Publisher “Za Bukvite – O pismeneh”;
- Senior Assistant Dr. Ralitsa Yotova – a lecturer with the National Security Department;
- Senior Assistant Dr. Steliana Yordanova – a lecturer with the National Security Department.
Within the Webinar, the module and its goals, results and accumulated experience were presented and discussed, which are expected to open up new opportunities for educational institutions to achieve high academic achievements, including in the implementation of Objective 2.1.1. Development and approbation of a conceptual model for ethical behavior and management of the authorities and funding by state and local administration bodies within the contemporary cyber space within the NSP SAD managed by Prof. D.Sc. Stoyan Denchev.