As part of the set tasks under the National Scientific Program “Security and Defence” (NSP SD), a representatives from the University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (ULSIT), in the period 27-28 June, 2023, participated in the International Scientific Conference “Strategies XXI”, organised by “Carol I” National Defence University in Bucharest, Romania.
The official opening of the conference was led by General Daniel Petrescu – Chief of the Defence Staff of Romania, and Brig. Gen. Eugen Mavriş – Commandant of the “Carol I” National Defence University. Participants and guests of the scientific forum were high-ranked military and political representatives from Romania and allied NATO states. The conference included twelve thematic panels on the issues of security and defence.
As a participant in the NSP SD from ULSIT, PhD student Mario Marinov presented two scientific papers that were included in the conference panels “Regional and National Security” and “European Security in the Context of the War of Aggression against Ukraine”.
The first paper entitled “Determining the system tools in each and the future strategic nuclear balance. Applicability to the National Security Strategy of the Republic of Bulgaria” was presented under task 3.2.4. of the NSP SD. The paper examines the deconstruction of the historical equipment control systems, defining the system tools in their applicability to the external balance of nuclear security between the USA, Russia and China and their impact on the national security problems of the Republic of Bulgaria.
The second paper presents part of the results achieved under task 3.2.1., which were included in the paper “Formulation of long-term strategic priorities in the National Security and Defence Strategy of the Republic of Bulgaria – geostrategic security and the role of the Black Sea”. The paper examines the evolution of the security environment in the Black Sea region over the previous two decades, the problems and priorities of Bulgaria in the field of national security, as well as some aspects related to the future direction of the development of the national security and defence policy in the world of national, regional and international considerations. Both papers generated interest and further discussion within the designated panels and the conference.