On 07.07.2022, the first work meeting of the National Scientific Program "Security and Defence" was held at the Central Military Club in Sofia, after its launch on 19 May 2022.
The work meeting was opened by Col. Assoc. Prof. DSc. Borislav Genov - Director of the Defence Institute and Chairman of the Executive Board of the National Scientific Program "Security and Defence". The participants were welcomed by Major General Todor Dochev – chief of Rakovski National Defence College, who expressed his satisfaction with the fact that security and defence issues were gaining more and more importance for society, and the very launch of this scientific program confirmed this.
Col. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nikolai Stoianov - Deputy Director of the Defence Institute and program implementation coordinator, introduced the participants to some general aspects of the organization and implementation of individual tasks and packages in the program.
After the introduction of all the participants in the meeting, a discussion began on the planned activities for the implementation of the individual packages and tasks of the program, issues related to the time schedule, reporting deadlines, etc.
The work meeting was also attended by Cor. member Prof. DTS Stefan Hadjitodorov – Vice-President of BAS and Head of CNSDR -BAS, Prof. Dimitar Dimitrov – Rector of the University of National and World Economy, Vice-Rectors, Deans, scientists and specialists from the partner organizations of the consortium.