The challenges for the EU in the field of migration, asylum and border control were discussed during a thematic seminar at the UNWE

On 14 May 2024 at the University of National and World Economy (UNWE) was held the thematic seminar "Challenges for the EU in the field of migration, asylum and border control". The event was organized by the Department of National and Regional Security (UNWE) within the framework of the National Scientific Program "Security and Defense" (NSP SD).

Keynote speakers were Chief Commissioner Anton Zlatanov, Director of the General Directorate "Border Police" (GDBP) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and Prof. Alfonso Giordano from the Department of Political, Legal and Sociological Sciences of Niccolò Cusano University and the Department of Political Sciences of LUISS University in Rome, Italy.

According to the UNWE Rector Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov, who also participated in the event, "Migration continues to be a main topic as it reflects serious problems in some societies and usually lead to sharp political debates and problems associated with the migration pressure in other societies. We must be prepared for various outcomes as these processes will continue and thus, we must have a more active policy on this issue, including with our neighboring countries and within the EU."

Prof. Alfonso Giordano focused his presentation to the current migrant pressure and border control in Italy and the measures that the State undertakes in relation to migration as a whole, while paying particular attention to some political features of the migration topic.

Chief Commissioner Anton Zlatanov presented the work of the GDBP in relation to migration, border control and the main channels through which migrants try to cross into Bulgaria and Europe. 

"Main challenges to the system of international protection in the Republic of Bulgaria" was the topic of the presentation of Lachezar Petrov, senior expert at the Directorate "International Activity" of the State Agency for Refugees with the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Bulgaria. He introduced the attendees to the different types of protection, the structure and functions of the Agency.

 Prof. Dr. Stavri Ferdov from the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs presented a report on "Management in a Migration Crisis", while Michael Kozarski from the Defense Institute "Prof. Tsvetan Lazarov" expressed the opinion and views of the research team from the Institute on the topic of the seminar. 

Ch. Assist. Prof. Dr. Atanas Dimitrov, moderator of the thematic seminar, presented the opinion of the Department of National and Regional Security (UNWE) on problems and challenges associated with (irregular) migration, and the measures to limit migration pressure. 

More information about the event can be found at THIS LINK.